Thursday, 14 March 2013

Snow Book

Another and finally at long last completed book .  This has been over two years in the making.  Many many versions have been fiddled and manipulated, heaven only knows why I have put so many processes into one tiny little book making it intricate and complicated to make....never again.  But I am very happy with the final result and it has an interesting destination which I will divulge soon.

Folded, embossed, stitched and dotted with text from an old Eastern block typewriter, (called Erika!) the ‘Snow Book’ is a culmination of work started on a residency in Quebec City and completed in the UK.

This is the embossed cover with a small stenciled wrap

The book in full view

 This is a chine colle woodcut

Digital Image

Transfer copy print from a large drawn rubbing of a Canadian wooden snowshoe


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Altered Books

My new project:

In North Wales

Walking and creating work.

I have  been invited to create an altered book, which I have not done before.
So I went searching in second hand book shops for an appropriate book.  And here it is

I am a bit tentative, I was always told to look after my books, not mark them and certainly not destroy them.  So I have a bit of childhood programming to crash through.

So my start is a walk round Llyn Crafnant and some photos.  And I liked the book so much I bought another for safety!!!!!  I want to be brave enough to really go for it and alter it in quite a radical way.

A Spoon and A Glove

The book collaboration is finally finished...(that was a long weekend!)
It took a long time and lots of experimentation to devise the spine for the pages and then I ruined one book by gluing a page upside down....I won't do that again in a hurry.  Trying to photograph it was a challenge due to usual lighting issues.  I used a reflector made out of tin foil in the end which helped.  So here it is in all its glory.

 The front page

 which opens out to become the Glove and the front of the Spoon

'A Glove and A spoon'.....
every day is a school day
handing a spoon
with a silky glove
I eat art

Madeleines' page

My page

Moiras' page

Information about our book:

'Following a democratic decision to challenge ourselves, we chose a glove and a spoon as the subject matter for this collaboration.  There was resistance on all our parts as we were initially each drawn to objects of a more organic nature.

In leaving our personal desires behind we decided upon those two objects and sought to challenge our personal needs to stay within our comfort zone.  We gravitated towards a poetic rhythm and searched hard in this response to both objects'

The back page which opens out and

folds in.